Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Pony Pictures

My Pony Pictures

As a child my brothers and I were constantly finding our self getting into trouble. One day like any other day my brother Doug and I were playing outside at our apartment complex called Campabella. We did this everyday, we would go outside to play and before dark we would go inside. Well this day was a little different for Doug and I. We were playing like we normally do and we see this lady and man walking by and what caught my brother and my eyes was they were dragging along a pony the most beautiful pony I had ever seen, its colors were a dark brown and white. I could not believe that there was a pony right before our eyes I had never seen a real pony up close like that before. My brother and I just watched from a distance looking to see what they were going to do with the pony. We see the man stand the pony in front of a tree he ties a torn up rope to the tree. We then see the lady put something heavy and brown on the back of the pony, we did not have a clue what it was but the pony did not seem to mind. We also see the lady put a colorful blanket on the back of the horse right behind the brown thing she put on the back. We then see the man take something out of his black bag he had been carrying. It was some kind of stand he opened it up and placed a camera on top of the stand. We still did not know what to think about what was happening. A little while later we see another lady walk up she has a little boy with her. We see the two ladies talking, we then see the man pick up the little boy and put him on top of the brown thing that is on the pony’s back. The lady stands in front of the camera and counts to three and then takes the picture. By this time my brother and I are a little closer to the pony. The lady takes her son and walks away. The man and the lady are just standing there it seems as if they are waiting for someone else to walk along and take a picture with that beautiful pony. I turn to my brother Doug and tell him,

“I want to take a picture with the pony.”

Doug looks at me and says,

“So do I, let’s ask the lady if we can take one.”

By this time the man and lady are staring at us. The lady waves us over I look at my brother Doug and see him already walking over to them so I run to catch up to him. The lady asked my brother,

“Would you like to take a picture with the pony?”

My brother and I look at each other with the biggest smile on our faces. We both nod our heads yes. The lady then tell us,

“Go ask your parents for permission and if they say yes then we can take pictures of you guys with the pony.”

So my brother and I run as fast as we can to our apartment to go ask for permission. Before we went into the house we decided to ask my dad because he never told us no. My brother did all the talking and I just stood there and gave my daddy the please look, plus I was a daddy’s girl so I was sure he would say yes. So my brother starts by telling my dad all about the man and the lady with the pony and how they are taking pictures and if we could please take one all we needed was to get permission from our parents and they would take our pictures. My dad does not really ask us any questions he just looks at us and says,

“Sure go a head guys have fun.”

So my brother and I run as fast as we can back to where the pony is. We get there out of breath and my brother says as we are running up to the lady,

“My dad said yes he said we could.”

So the lady asked my brother; “What apartment do you live in so we can deliver the pictures when they are ready?”

Doug says, “apartment 114.”

The lady writes down the apartment number onto a paper. I went first, the lady put me into a vest it had a star on the right side and was brown and very stiff. She made me put these funny looking hard brown pants over my jeans I had on. She then tied a red bandana around my neck; she then put this big red cowboy hat on my head. The man then picked me up and put me on the horse. I was the happiest girl that day I could not believe I was sitting on top of a real life pony. I took my picture and the man took me down. Doug was next. I just stood there and watched him and I knew Doug was just as happy as me when he was on top of the pony. After we were both done the lady told us that when the pictures were done in a few weeks they would take them to our apartment and give them to our parents. We went on and played like we had been doing before we saw the pony. Weeks pass and we hear a knock on our front door. We hear my dad answer the door. My brother and I look at each other because we both recognized the voice we heard on the other side of the door. It was the lady and she had our pony pictures. What happened next was not what we expected to hear. We hear the lady tell my father about the pictures.

“Hello sir I have the pictures your son and daughter took a few weeks with our pony.”

My dad answers back, “What pictures? I did not take my son or daughter to take any kind of pony pictures.”

The lady explained when and where they took the pictures of us and she told my dad we had come home to get permission from our parents and we went back and told them our dad said yes that we could take the pictures. At this point my dads face did not look to well. The lady then brings out two huge envelopes filled with pictures of my brother and I on the pony.

The lady asked, “Are these your children sir?”

My father responded, “Yes those are my children.” At this point we knew my dad was not happy so we ran to our rooms and hoped he would not come and look for us. Were we wrong, my dad comes in and tells us he paid for the pictures and he thought they came out really nice. That’s all he says and walks out of my room. My brother and I run to see our pictures and we also loved the way we looked on top of that beautiful brown and white pony. That was the best day for us and we had a picture to remind us of that day. It was not till later on in life when my brother and I were adults did we really find out the truth about the pictures and how my dad really felt. Well it turns out not only did our dad not believe there was really a lady, a man, and a pony that we could take pictures with and that was the reason why he said we could take pictures because he really did not believe us about any of this. Not only did my dad buy the pictures he did not believe us about but my brother and I ended up ordering the most expensive package so my dad paid over a hundred and fifty dollars on pictures he did not think existed. This was the first of many things I did to find myself getting into trouble about as a child. My dad did not get after us because he was the one that gave us permission to take the pictures. In a way I feel my dad wished he did get after us because a few years later I ordered silverware from Fingerhut and my dad was stuck paying for that just like the pictures.

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